Friday 18 March 2011


After the course with NoNstop i will be returning to canada with my brother and his friends to take them up to panorama as it is a amazing place with un piested slopes offering safe of piest like runs! and you have the whole slopes to your self.
after my gap year i wanting to attend uni but not to sure what i want to do
either enroll in england in some kind of graphic design cource maybe illustation and digtiall art?
but i am looking at the netherlands as they have a very good education out there and there cource fee's are only £1000 a year so i could work along side a pay for the curce my self with out having to take out a loan or i am looking either america or canada for uni but its more of the life stlye im after out there and not to sure if its worth all that money.

Gap Year

i have now deiced to work all summer to save up for canada!
because i cant afford austrailer im a hoping to save up enough money to do a AMP course out there
which is a 11 week course were i will gain a level 2 instucture qualifiction and back country with a avalanche safety certificate.
the 11 week course which teach we how to ride all terrain and also includes park tution and options to go into competative sport.
this i feel will give me vital skills to help in life and a amazing experince!
link to there website
i am wanting to go to austrailer to work out on a moutain range boarding out there,
i managed to get a job offer working at perisher as a lift attendent 5 days a week with accomidation and a free season lift pass but im not able to save up the $2000 they want yu to have for back up so i had to decline
this i a link to there website

my year

this year i am wanting to take a gap year after college because i cant decide on what uni and cource i want to take and i feel it would be a waste if i go just for the sake of it,
so this year i will be planning my gap year


I have got back from a great time in panorama canada snowboarding, i took loads of pictures of the place. i will be uploading these soon along with my photos from boarding in 3 valleys merible and tignes.

these are my final designs for my lura thomas project, which was a natonal project for the museum maker
i think these have worked well

these are some covers i did for my magazine project personally i like the portrait one with they yellow typewhich was influenced by carson

"hand job" type project

this is my final for my type project, i think this has worked fairly well but i might try it in various colours?


these are my finals for packerging i think they could of been better off with more work
but i was trying to go for a un-finished feel